I hope delays will be minor. Yesterday, I was all ready to load the final bits and pieces into the van and it wouldn't start. My new large, expensive, heavy duty 4WD battery was flat! And the alternator wasn't working. I know - better to have it happen in my driveway than a few hours or days along the road, but it is a nuisance. The van has spent the day at the auto electricians. With a bit of luck, it will be ready this evening and I'll be on my way.
I don't want to put a hex on my trip but I do wonder what more could possibly need to be done. What else is going to fall apart or fall out? The car must be almost new. I am sure there is nothing left that hasn't been replaced. I have had a total replacement of the automatic transmission. The fan for the airconditioner had to be replaced and I have put in the battery just mentioned. Wheel rotations and alignments have been done and a major service. To comply with NSW legislation I have installed a smoke detector and fire extinguisher, although I can't imagine that I would need both. If I don't hear the smoke detector, it will be too late for the fire extinguisher. If I need the fire extinguisher and I'm not in the car, I'm unlikely to venture close enough to use it.
Being stuck at home, I decided to do a follow-up trip to the doctor as I had had blood tests done early this month. Good news! Everything was fine, every condition (those symptoms of old age!) under control. But my GP decided to do a biopsy on a spot on my shoulder. I told him he had done that twice before but he thinks a biopsy is better than an autopsy. He'll have the results tomorrow. I don't expect to hear from his surgery before I leave as I am sure all will be well.
If I don't leave tomorrow, I think I will have to hide out in a cave somewhere. I have said my farewells, several times to some people. Nobody wants to see me again till the middle of the year. Leave-taking should be quick, not drawn out like this! Let me go!
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