I had a wonderful day yesterday. I visited Sister Agnes at the Benedictine Abbey at Jamberoo NSW. She has been there for 25 years after 25 years as a Josephite. I took along a school photo taken when I was in Grade 7 at Caboolture of me and five of my brothers, which is probably how she would have remembered me. We followed up on mutual friends and I also showed off my 365 Project album.
Sister Benedetta, the guest mistress, got up early cooked a lovely chicken meal and bread and butter custard especially for my visit - then I was sent on my way with a care package, enough to last me for days. Next time I will stay for a few days and enjoy the serenity of the place. I was made so welcome by everyone that I spoke to.
Although I was invited to stay, I decided to push on to Canberra. An hour or so along the way, I began to regret that decision. It was raining and I was suddenly too tired to drive. I pulled over and had a snooze, so easy to do with the bed made up in the back. After a good break, I was grateful for the meal I had with me, just as nice cold as hot, especially with smooth fluffy mashed potatoes!
Dianne and John were as welcoming as ever and Anthony was also home. We stayed up far later than Di usually does and she is drooping a bit this afternoon. John and Anthony had enough sense to go to bed when they were tired. I've told Dianne that they don't need to keep my hours, especially as I don't get up when they do in the morning. (It is not that I want to stay in bed late! I think it's important not to disturb the morning schedules of the household. Does that sound convincing?)
Tomorrow we are planning to go to the National Gallery and see the Renaissance exhibition. I will leave on Sunday as I have to be at Port Melbourne to catch the Spirit of Tasmania on Tuesday evening.
I enjoy reading about your adventure. You seem to be developing a theme of serenity and beauty. Look out for romance on the ship. It will be Valentine's Day after all! Enjoy!